New Single “Heroin” for Domestic Violence Relief During COVID-19
We wrote this song around 4 months ago and though its only a demo it feels more important than ever to share it. Please help by sharing this as widely as possible.
As a band made up of social workers, teachers and doctors we encounter signs or effects of domestic abuse in our work whether in A&E, family homes or the classroom. In everyday times public professional networks are key in identifying abusive relationships and offering support and safe ways out for victims who may be trapped. In these unprecedented times where everyone is increasingly isolate to prevent the spread of Covid-19 there has already been a growing number of reports of violence in abusive relationships and this is likely to continue increasing with the spread of the pandemic. On March 18th Melissa Godin wrote in TIME Magazine that ‘For people who are experiencing domestic violence, mandatory lockdowns to curb the spread of COVID-19 (the disease caused by the new coronavirus) have trapped them in their homes with their abusers, isolated from the people and the resources that could help them’. Anita Bhatia, the deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Women stated “the very technique we are using to protect people from the virus can perversely impact victims of domestic violence … while we absolutely support the need to follow these measures of social distancing and isolation, we also recognize that it provides an opportunity for abusers to unleash more violence.”
‘Heroin’ highlights some of the behaviour patterns in controlling and abusive relationships that will be exaggerated during periods of self-isolation. Domestic violence affects women and men from all walks of life and we want to use this song to try and spread the word of support that continues to be available to help keep people safe during this incredibly challenging time. Please share and spread this message widely and to raise awareness of the situation and also
We have made this song available to download on Bandcamp for any price that you feel would be appropriate - (the link is in our bio. 100% of the profits from this song will go towards the following three charities to support their vital ongoing work for victims of domestic violence during this period.
-Refuge UK
-Women’s Aid
-Respect UK
Below are a list of key support services to those who feel at risk of domestic abuse:
• The Freephone, 24hr National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247 or
• Rape Crisis services –
• National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0800 999 5428
• Men’s Advice Line – a confidential helpline, email and webchat service for male victims of domestic abuse: 0808 801 0327 or
• The Mix, free information and support for under 25s in the UK – 0808 808 4994 · Rights of Women advice lines:
• Women’s Aid – including Live Chat, email, the Survivors Forum and local services:
• Respect Phoneline – a confidential helpline, email and webchat service for domestic abuse perpetrators and those supporting them: 0808 8024040 or
Thank you for all your support and helping spread with message far and wide- The 52s.